Compressive Strength Prediction of Concrete Containing Termite Mound as Partial Replacement for Cement
*Yinusa, H. A. and Ogbara, H. M. and Fapohunda, C. A.
Department of Civil Engineering, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria
DOI: 10.36108/laujoces/4202.31.0190


A model is a mathematical algorithm that is used to make predictions or forecasts about future events based on historical data. This research work was carried out with a view to developing a strength predictive model for concrete containing Termite Mound (TMD) as partial replacement of cement. Concrete specimens were cast with cement content partly replaced by TMD within the range of 0 – 15% at interval of 2.5%. The compressive strength assessment was carried out at 7, 14, 21, 28, 60 and 90 days, respectively. A model, using linear regression analysis was developed to predict the strength of the concrete. The independent variables in the model were: water, cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates. The results showed that: The densities of experimental concrete in which termite mound was used as partial replacement of cement varies between 2200 kg/m³ and 2500 kg/m³; hence qualified for normal weight concrete application, The compression strengths of concrete cubes in which termite mound was used as partial replacement of cement reduced with increase in percentage of termite mound (TMD), The experimental compressive strength was higher than model compressive strength up to 5% replacement of pulverized termite mound with cement at 28-day, At 90-day curing, the experimental compressive strengths were higher than the model compressive strength, a strong relationship existed between the experimental and model compressive strengths with R2 of 9038, And the model demonstrates a high degree of reliability in its predictive capabilities with an overall accuracy rate of 77%.

Keywords: Termite Mound, Compressive Strength, Regression Analysis, Random Forest Regression, Compressive strength prediction.


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